Saturday, 16 May 2009

Bann trip

I had not managed to get in a boat in 2 or 3 weeks due to the amount of assignments I have had due, so as soon as I got them all in I took the first opportunity I could to get out paddling!

I got out on the bann for a few hours in very changeable weather. It was raining when we got on the water and most of the way down. However for a few hours in the middle of the trip the sun finally came out for a few hours. Typically it started raining again though as soon as we got off the river.

Due to a decent enough level most of the better features to play in were running, it was good getting back into the boat and having a play around, a couple of weeks out is too long! Apart from one member of the group having a freak injury involving a tree it was a relatively uneventful trip.
Now I have to get back to the books unfortunately, the exams start in a matter of days and due to the amount of assignments involved very little study has been done. Hopefully it will be easier now having been paddling. I hope my next opportunity to get out isnt too far away.

(Apologies for the poor quality images, I had to take screenshots from video)